Theme under plugin not working


i am working on shopware6. Created a theme under plyugin with commands. assigned theme to sales channel via admin. If i change anything in my custom theme like color via admin it reflects. But I want to change header and footer structure. I have placed base.html.twig file from “vendor/shopware/storefront/Resources/views/storefront/” to my custom plugin path “/custom/plugins/Childtheme/src/Resources/views/storefront” to this and made some changes. But its not reflecting on frontend. Can anyone guide how can i add Header footer templates in custom theme and made changes. I have searched a lot but didn’t get anything.


Hi, have you tried bin/console cache:clear or the hard cache clear which is ./psh.phar cache? You can also add cache: false in your twig.yaml file. If you are changing the sass then you need to run bin/console theme:compile. These have normally worked for me, when I am not able to see any changes I make to twig files.