Shopware 4.3.0 auf Plesk 11.5 + Nginx 1.5.0

Momentan siehts wie folgt aus: ## Author: Benjamin Cremer ## Shopware 4 nginx rules. ## Heavily Inspired by ## Designed to be included in any server {} block. ## location = /favicon.ico { log\_not\_found off; access\_log off; } location = /robots.txt { allow all; log\_not\_found off; access\_log off; } location = /templates/\_default/backend/\_resources/resources/css/icon-set.css { gzip off; } ## Deny all attempts to access hidden files such as .htaccess, .htpasswd, .DS\_Store (Mac). location ~ /\. { deny all; access\_log off; log\_not\_found off; } ## Deny all attems to access possible configuration files location ~ \.(tpl|yml|ini)$ { deny all; } ## Deny access to media upload folder location ^~ /media/temp/ { deny all; } location ^~ /cache/ { deny all; } location ^~ /files/documents/ { deny all; } # Breaks backend/media/ rewrite # #location ~ /(engine|files|templates|media)/ { # location ~ \.php$ { # return 403; # } #} location /check/ { index index.php; try\_files $uri /check/index.php?$args; } # Shopware \>= 4.3 unstall / update location /recovery/install { index index.php; try\_files $uri /recovery/install/index.php?$args; } location /recovery/update { index index.php; try\_files $uri /recovery/update/index.php?$args; } # Shopware \< 4.3 install / update location /install { index index.php; try\_files $uri /install/index.php?$args; } location /update { index index.php; try\_files $uri /update/index.php?$args; } index shopware.php index.php; try\_files $uri $uri/ /shopware.php?$args; ## XML Sitemap support. location = /sitemap.xml { try\_files $uri /shopware.php?controller=SitemapXml; } location ~ \.php$ { try\_files $uri $uri/ =404; ## NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix\_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini fastcgi\_split\_path\_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; ## required for upstream keepalive # disabled due to failed connections #fastcgi\_keep\_conn on; include fastcgi\_params; fastcgi\_buffers 8 16k; fastcgi\_buffer\_size 32k; client\_max\_body\_size 24M; client\_body\_buffer\_size 128k; } gzip on; gzip\_proxied any; gzip\_types text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript text/js text/javascript; gzip\_vary on; gzip\_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.(?!.\*SV1)"; proxy\_read\_timeout 300; Dabei habe ich aus dem letztem block "location ~ .php$ " die Zeile: fastcgi\_pass php-fpm; rausgemacht. Diese verursacht den Fehler.