Wie installiere ich die CLI tools local auf Mamp?


Wie installiere ich die CLI tools local auf Mamp? Und wie erzeuge ich dann ein Plugin?

Danke für die Hilfe

Weiß nicht. :wink:

  1. Installiere php.

  2. Lade das Tool herunter: GitHub - shopwareLabs/sw-cli-tools: The shopware CLI tools are your console helpers for all kind of shopware tasks.

  3. Im Verzeichnis bin/ findest Du den php script sw. Damit kannst Du die Commands ausführen.

sw plugin:create

Will create a Shopware plugin with all the boilerplate code. If the command will be executed from the shopware root folder the plugins will be placed in the plugin folder, otherwise it will be created in the same directory.

Valid options / arguments are:

--legacy: Create a legacy Plugin for Shopware versions lower than 5.2
--namespace[="..."]: Namespace of the plugin, default: Frontend
--haveBackend: Generate a backend Controller + a simple ExtJS module
--backendModel[="..."]: The name of the model for your backend application
--haveFilter: Generate Condition/Facet/CriteriaRequestHandler in order to add a new filter in the frontend
--haveFrontend | -f: Generate a frontend controller
--haveModels | -m: Generate a simple doctrine model
--haveCommands | -c: Generate a console command
--haveWidget | -w: Generate a backend widget
--haveApi | -a: Generate an API resource + REST controller
--licenseHeader[="..."]: Include a license header at the beginning of any file name: Name of your plugin. Must at least have a dev prefix + plugin name, e.g. "SwagBundle", "PrefixPluginName"; "SwagBrowserLanguageDetection"
--haveElasticSearch | -e: Generate ElasticSearch blueprint classes and an example of a decorator for the product number search.
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