Updatefehler 6.4.20 --> 6.5.1: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1901

Version auf 6.4.20

Guten Morgen zusammen - wir haben jetzt MariaDB 10.11.7 im Einsatz und der Shop läuft immer noch auf diese Fehlermeldung:

Received the following error message:
An exception occurred while executing ‚ALTER TABLE product ADD COLUMN variant_listing_config JSON GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN display_parent IS NOT NULL OR main_variant_id IS NOT NULL OR configurator_group_config IS NOT NULL THEN (JSON_OBJECT( ‚displayParent‘, display_parent, ‚mainVariantId‘, LOWER(HEX(main_variant_id)) ,‚configuratorGroupConfig‘, JSON_EXTRACT(configurator_group_config, ‚$‘))) END) VIRTUAL‘: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1901 Function or expression ‚variant_listing_config‘ cannot be used in the CHECK clause of variant_listing_config

Please try to fix this error and restart the update.
{„valid“:false,„errorMsg“:"An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE product ADD COLUMN variant_listing_config JSON\n GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN display_parent IS NOT NULL OR main_variant_id IS NOT NULL OR configurator_group_config IS NOT NULL\n