In a customer project of ours, there is a constantly logged error within the prod-log:
`[2023-06-16T11:03:12.870781+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException: "The resource owner or authorization server denied the request." at <<DIR>>/vendor/league/oauth2-server/src/Exception/OAuthServerException.php line 243 {"exception":"[object] (League\\OAuth2\\Server\\Exception\\OAuthServerException(code: 9): The resource owner or authorization server denied the request. at <<DIR>>/vendor/league/oauth2-server/src/Exception/OAuthServerException.php:243)\n[previous exception] [object] (Lcobucci\\JWT\\Token\\InvalidTokenStructure(code: 0): The JWT string must have two dots at <<DIR>>/vendor/lcobucci/jwt/src/Token/InvalidTokenStructure.php:13)"} []
It says something about a non valid jwt-token.
I already tried regenerate the jwt-secrets within config/jwt directory, but that didn’t worked out.
Also there are not API calls in any form to the sw6 api. So that shouldn’t be the problem either.
Has someone else experience with an error like this?