Store phone at administration


I’m trying to custom the default telephone at footer. I saw it at translations files, „footer.serviceHotline“.

That made me to ask you two questions:

1.- Can we edit this phone at administration?
2. How can I add a custom field to basicInformation.xml without edit vendor files?

Yes, all translations can be edited via /admin under Settings > Snippets.

What is the basicInformation.xml file? Never heard about that.

I know that all translations can be edited there, but it so awful that the telephone that can be used many times is inside a large string… I thought that the phone is a independt field…

The basicInformation.xml file is this vendor/shopware/core/System/Resources/config/basicInformation.xml

There are defined the inputs about emails, pages, address etc…

Maybe try to add a plugin with that file in the folder src/core/System/Resources/config/basicInformation.xml

I do not know if that will work!

I tried but didn’t worked…

I thought that adding configuration to existing forms in shopware was easy…
