Managed to solve the problem on my own, the main issue was with the smarty template i left the [personal] in and once that was removed it started working.
Hey Hello,
I am working on a small plugin for a showcase internally in the company, and for that i need add a field to the profile.
I added it already to the registration page, and it creates it correctly in the database, however i am having huge issues in displaying it correctly in the edit box i created on the profile page.
{block name="frontend_account_profile_profile_input_walletAddress"}
The main issue here is that first of all, the original data is not displayed in the text box. I can add the data no problem just by adding {$sUserData.additional.user.wallet_address} in the smarty template in the value, However then on submitting the profile (Which i added to the first name/lastname box) does not work, and it retains the old value.
I created a subscriber for it :
public function onFormBuild(\Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)
if ($args->getReference() !== \Shopware\Bundle\AccountBundle\Form\Account\ProfileUpdateFormType::class)
$builder = $args->getBuilder();
$builder->add('attribute', AttributeFormType::class, [
'data_class' => CustomerAttribute::class
public function __construct()
The Die statement is just purely to see if it even gets constructed (Which it does not)
This is the service registration
I used Address Management Guide as my base for this job along with this stack overflow article : shopware - update customer attribute in frontend account profile form - Stack Overflow
However, as said, i just cannot get the Shopware_form_builder to trigger under any circumstance to achieve this.
I am running Shopware 5.5.1 with the Bitnami installer.
If anyone would be able to point me in the right direction for this problem i would be very grateful.