Shopware app in inframe with Symfony and React


I am building Shopware iframe app.

The stack for my iframe app is Symfony + symfony app bundle. I can successfully install, deactivate, activate, and uninstall the app. The thing is that the front end of my app which is loaded in the iframe I would like to write in React. Everything is configured in my Symfony encore. The Controller loads the twig template and inside twig template we run React app:

{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}

{% block javascripts %}
    *{{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }}*
{% endblock %}

{% block stylesheets %}
    {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app') }}
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
 <div id="root"></div>
{% endblock %}

The problem is, that whatever react app wants to load, like, frontend translations or even just images, I get error „Missing shop parameters“.

The whole idea is that React frontend of my iframe app communicates with my symfony backend where all authorization and shopware api requests are performed.

Thank you for any help.