editor in Shopware 6 does not show option of editing a layout for my listed products. I would need to edit the product page and add a few additional blocks & content for only one product. How can I achieve this as probably adding long HTML code in the „Description“ box is not really optimized.
Thank you!
you can’t edit the default layout’s, the have a small lock in the top right corner.
You should use the menu „…“ and select duplicate, after that you can make changes to the layout.
Please keep in mind that you would need to assign this layout to the products / categories of choice.
Best regards,
Timmy Clark
How is it possible to assign the custom layout to a category?
You can assign the layout under the product,
Same goes for categories, just open the category that you want to change and hit layout, select your layout and hit safe. Please note that you will need to do this for each product and category that you sish to change.
Timmy Clark
Thank you, but there it is only possible to change the layout of the listing page, not the detail page.
You are welcome, you can change the product detail page for the given product under products - „your product“ - layout. This is the screen I’m showing in the previous answer.
Thanks, but I don’t want to change the listing page. I want to change the product detail page! You have written „Same goes for categories,“. But you can not. There is no field to choose a product detail page for a category.
Sorry for the confusion.
The layout tab found in the category changes the product listing for the category.
The layout tab in the product changes the detail page for that product.
Thank you. So the information:
is not correct? It is not possible the change the product detail page for a category?
So if you have 5000 products and want to change the product detail page for the hole shop, you have to click into 5000 products and change the product detail page for each product manually?
yes, this needs to be done for every product/category, bulk edit isn’t supported.
Why are you writing „for every product/category“ when it is not possible for a category?
Because these are places where you can change the view.
Products - detail page
Categories - product listing
Both can’t be applied with bulk edit.
Ok. Thank you.
Is there another way to use a custom product detail page for the entire shop?