Productexport mainnumber

is any solution to get Artikel mainnumber via ProductExport? i must create csv file with this varible.

Probably this is a good entry point (depending on the Shopware version and your goal):

Out-of-the-box Shopware has two options to export products to CSV: 1. Backend --> Content --> Import / export In “Export items and categories” block select Data:Items, Format:CSV and “Export variants” checked. First two columns in the file will be “ordernumber” and “mainnumber” 2. Backend --> Marketing --> Item export Here is no way to get variant number and main product number in the same feed. If “Export variants” option is selected, variable $sArticle.ordernumber will return variant number. If “Export variants” option is disabled, variable $sArticle.ordernumber will return number of main product. If option (1) for some reason is not suitable to you, I would suggest to extend /engine/core/class/sExport.php function sCreateSql.