Product assigned categories not updating via .csv import

Hello SW community!

We have an issue here, maybe someone experienced it already. We have 3 categories (2 parent and subcategory) assigned to products. We are going to fix this via .scv import.

After setting up Product categories update profile (using reduced standard Product profile) we cleaned up the exported .csv of excessive categories IDs and reimported it again. However Products still have all 3 categories assigned.

Maybe we don’t get something about Shopware 6 import procedure?


Anyone had the same problem? The issue is that Shopware 6 breadcrumbs are messed up/ wrong because it takes the first category from the several attached. And attached (to a product categories) are root, category and subcategory instead of just one subcategory.

Have a great day!

Here the screenshot of attached categories. In this case the product is set only to top level (first in array) category, and breadcrumbs shown like so as well:

Can someone suggest a solution? Import/ export, API, SQL, what would be the best in this case? There is a huge amount of products with excessively attached parent categories. It should look like this, as expected:


Each product gets its parent categories signed to it automatically. It is not shown in the backend, but these entries exist in the database.

For the breadcrumb, there are plugins in the store.

Yes, and this works well with breadcrumbs, when parent categories are included by the system automatically (light checkboxes, not filled blue checkbox for parents, as I showed in previous post). But once parent categories also included width filled checkboxes, breadcrumbs break.

Then Breadcrumbs shows parent category as it is the first category in the list (array, that you can see in export file as well). And doesn’t show the actual subcategory. Here the screenshot of a problematic set: