Open_basedir restriction in effect ... file(/proc/mounts)


wenn ich in der Konsole „bin/console cache:clear“ ausführe erhalte ich folgende Warnings:

DEBUG     [php] Warning: file(): open_basedir restriction in effect. Fi                                                      le(/proc/mounts) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/meineDomain                                                     .de/:/tmp/)
  "exception" => Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Exception\SilencedErrorContext^                                                       {
    +count: 1
    -severity: E_WARNING
    trace: {
      ./vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Command/CacheClearCommand.php:203 { …}
      ./vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Command/CacheClearCommand.php:156 { …}
DEBUG     [php] Warning: file(/proc/mounts): Failed to open stream: Ope                                                      ration not permitted

Ist das vielleicht ein bekanntes Problem?