Okay, nun hab ich die Header.less wie folgt verändert: (soweit passt es in Mobil-und desktopansicht nun)
.header-main {
// Logo
.logo-main {
.unitize-padding(10, 10 ,0 ,0);
.logo–link {
.unitize-height(107, 16);
// Smaller logo for mobile viewports
.logo–shop {
.unitize-height(45, 16); // Anpassen der Höhe, Angabe in px
//width: 30%;
.shop–navigation {
//width: 50%;
.unitize(padding-top, 30);
// Phone Landscape styling for the global shop header
@media screen and (min-width: @phoneLandscapeViewportWidth) {
.header-main {
.logo-main {
.unitize-padding(10, 10, 0, 10);
width: 35%;
.logo–link { .unitize-height(50, 16); }
// Larger logo for tablet & desktop viewports
.logo–shop {
.unitize-height(50, 16);
width: 100%
// Tablet styling for the global shop header
@media screen and (min-width: @tabletViewportWidth) {
.header-main {
.logo-main {
.unitize-padding(10, 10, 0, 10);
width: 35%;
.logo–link { .unitize-height(107, 16); }
// Larger logo for tablet & desktop viewports
.logo–shop {
.unitize-height(107, 16);
width: 100%
// Tablet Landscape styling for the global shop header
@media screen and (min-width: @tabletLandscapeViewportWidth) {
.header-main {
.logo-main { width: 40%; }
.shop–navigation { width: 60%; }
// Desktop styling for the global shop header
@media screen and (min-width: @desktopViewportWidth) {
.header-main {
.top-bar { .unitize(margin-bottom, 2); }
.logo–shop { width: 75% }