Grüße ich bekomme immer eine Memory Limit Fehler angezeigt.
Folgende Einstellungen wurden vorgenommen.
Cronjob alle 5 Minuten
php /home/www/p579281/html/shopware/bin/console messenger:consume default --time-limit=360 --memory-limit=512M
php /home/www/p579281/html/shopware/bin/console scheduled-task:run --time-limit=60
memory_limit = 1024M (Wurde von unserem Webhorst so eingestellt)
post_max_size = 512M
upload_max_filesize = 512M
Das hat dann genau 1x funktioniert.
[OK] Consuming messages from transports „default“.
// The worker will automatically exit once it has exceeded 1020 of memory, been
// running for 360s or received a stop signal via the messenger:stop-workers
// command.
// Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.
13:35:02 INFO [messenger] Received message Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTask [„message“ => Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTask { …},„class“ => „Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTask“]
13:35:03 INFO [app] cache-miss: context-factory-696edab409aa400e9f76e95471bdc8ed
13:35:03 INFO [messenger] Message Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTask handled by Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTaskHandler::__invoke [„message“ => Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTask { …},„class“ => „Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTask“,„handler“ => „Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTaskHandler::__invoke“]
13:35:03 INFO [messenger] Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTask was handled successfully (acknowledging to transport). [„message“ => Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTask { …},„class“ => „Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ScheduledTask\ProductExportGenerateTask“]
13:35:03 INFO [messenger] Worker stopped due to memory limit of 1020 bytes exceeded (48758784 bytes used) [„limit“ => 1020,„memory“ => 48758784]
Jetzt gibt es alle 5 Minuten die Meldung
[OK] Consuming messages from transports „default“.
// The worker will automatically exit once it has exceeded 512M of memory, been
// running for 360s or received a stop signal via the messenger:stop-workers
// command.
// Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.
// Re-run the command with a -vv option to see logs about consumed messages.
07:10:19 CRITICAL [php] Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 479232 bytes) [„exception“ => Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\OutOfMemoryError { …}]
In PDOStatement.php line 262:
Error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate
479232 bytes)
messenger:consume [-l|–limit LIMIT] [-f|–failure-limit FAILURE-LIMIT] [-m|–memory-limit MEMORY-LIMIT] [-t|–time-limit TIME-LIMIT] [–sleep SLEEP] [-b|–bus BUS] [–queues QUEUES] [–] […]
Scheduled task runner stopped due to time limit of 60s reached
Ich verstehe denn Zusammenhang nicht. Das es genau einmal funktioniert und danach nie wieder.
Sollte es keine Lösung geben. Wie schalte ich den Admin Worker wieder ein?