Losing order numbers after shopware update to 5.7.18

Hi team,

It’s too late to ask shopware 5 questions. But I have an issue here.
I recently updated a shopware 5 shop from 5.7.3 to 5.7.18

Something is different after we update the shopware to latest. Application showing missing order numbers to us. I could track the situation. The order numbers are cancelled (Or not completed). So that, I could see that the order numbers are 0 (zero) in the database (Such orders are not showing in the backend).

But before shopware update on such situations (Cancelled orders), the order numbers were not losing. The next order number was just continuation of previous one. But after update, we are losing corresponding order numbers and we have difficulty to explain to the client why this is happening.

Do any of you have similar issue? Is this from Shopware? Or some plugins creates this situation? Can any of you help me here?
Attaching 2 images of order numbers from before and after of Shopware update.

Thanks in advance.
Before Shopware update s_order table looks like this.

After Shopware update s_order table looks like this.

hey @Binu

do you also have the PayPal integration installed?

Best regards from Schöppingen
Michael Telgmann

Hi @Michael_Telgmann

Yes. Paypal is integrated in the application and it is now the latest version 6.1.0.
We did the Paypal update just before the Shopware update. (Before we update Paypal, it was v6.0.1 I believe, exact version not in mind.)

Does it make such situations?

Anyone know the reason here?

hey @Binu

yes, this is caused by the PayPal integration. Under certain circumstances it could happen, that a order number is reserved but then not used, because the customer cancels the checkout process or something similar.

Best regards from Schöppingen
Michael Telgmann

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks for the information. Now I can face the client with the reply. :slight_smile: