Invoice does not show ?

Hello together,

Invoices are not displayed. In Safari it shows: “blocked plug-in” and in Google Chrome the page is empty.



  • All plugins are deactivated

  • Version: v6.3.1.0 Stable Version


What could be the reason?

Do you know the problem or do you have ideas?

The problem is, that Safari needs a certain header to show the file directly and this header was removed due to security reasons. There are currently only two ways:

  • Save the document with Control + s

  • use another browser

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Hi Moritz,

thanks for the quick feedback!

Will this be fixed in the future?


Best regards


We don’t know how to fix this without disabling a security feature. So I doubt that this will be fixed in the near future, but we will evaluate it regularily, if there is a possible solution.

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A possible way to do this is to use a temporary solution:

When the document button is pressed, the document will automatically download as a PDF.