First, apologises for a long explanation
Background: I’m testing/updating my old theme (created with 6.5) for working with 6.6. Did a plain copy into the 6.6 installation. Worked good with just a few CSS issues.
Then installed it into a fresh 6.5 ( It worked at first, but after a few installation (all developments was done in 6.6) it just stopped working. On a category page I now get this error:
Can not render @Storefront/storefront/page/content/index.html.twig view: Unable to load template "storefront/utilities/video.html.twig". (Looked into: Stud1RetroTheme, Elasticsearch, Administration, Framework, Profiling, Storefront) with these parameters: {"themeIconConfig":[]}
I have cleared the cache.
I can see that 6.6 have few more templates in Vendor/Shopware/…/utilities/… But since I’m not extending any of these, I dont understand how this can be the error?
I’m not using any custom icons, but have change the color using CSS.
Any tips are welcome