How to set field label language change as per login language

In my plugin I have one additional field like “product type” in article section and I want to change that field label language as per backend login user language. Means admin1 login by choosing german language then that field label display in german language and if login by english language then that field label display in english language. I try with set snippet for that but it is not working. createElements: function() { // Here describe containers and boxes var me = this; return Ext.create('Ext.form.FieldSet',{ defaults : me.defaults, items : [{ xtype : 'textfield', name:'attribute[swagProductType]', fieldLabel:'{s name="google\_product\_listing\_field/product\_type"}Product Type{/s}' } ] }); } }); Can any one know how to make main.ini file ande how to use it?