How to prority route


I have overwritten the controller in the application by overwritten route and it works,
but also installed another plugin that overwritten the same route as I overwritten (this plugin cannot be changed) and now this route is supported by the shopware, not mine.

this is my controller I want to display

namespace MyPlugin\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel;

class ChangeCustomerProfileRoute extends AbstractChangeCustomerProfileRoute
     * @Route(path="/store-api/account/change-profile", name="store-api.account.change-profile", methods={"POST"})
    public function change(RequestDataBag $data, SalesChannelContext $context, CustomerEntity $customer): SuccessResponse


this is controller in a another plugin -I don’t want to show it
(I need this plugin because I need functionalities, but I don’t need this route)

namespace StorePlugin\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel;

class ChangeCustomerProfileRoute extends AbstractChangeCustomerProfileRoute
     * @Route(path="/store-api/account/change-profile", name="store-api.account.change-profile", methods={"POST"})
    public function change(RequestDataBag $data, SalesChannelContext $context, CustomerEntity $customer): SuccessResponse


I have read this article New in Symfony 5.1: Route annotations priority (Symfony Blog) but it does not work because this do not prioritize the name, only url.

How can I prioritize my route name to be supported by shopware?