I am using 1 third-party API to import orders into my shopware and I am using below method.
$client_shopware->post('orders', ["customerId" => $customer_id,
"paymentId" => $paymentId,
"dispatchId" => $dispatchId,
"partnerId" => "",
"shopId" => $shopId,
"invoiceAmount" => 0,
"invoiceAmountNet" => 0,
"invoiceShipping" => 0,
"invoiceShippingNet" => 0,
"orderTime" => $order_time,
"net" => $TotalOrderAmount,
"taxFree" => 0,
"languageIso" => "1",
"currency" => "EUR",
"currencyFactor" => 1,
"referer" => "Channel advisor",
"remoteAddress" => "",
"details" => $JsonArray,
"documents" => $documents,
"billing" => $billing,
"shipping" => $shipping,
"paymentStatusId" => $paymentStatusId,
"orderStatusId" => $orderStatusId,
But My concern is that after creating order I want to update values of “Free Text Fields” for that Order. So can anyone help me regarding this?