how can i extend engine/shopware/core/sExport.php in my plugin?

I have an additional field attr21 in table s_articles_attributes.

In order to export it, i need to add this field to sCreateSql() function inside engine/shopware/core/sExport.php as follows

              $sql=" …


                at.attr1, at.attr2, at.attr3, at.attr4, at.attr5, at.attr6, at.attr7, at.attr8, at.attr9, at.attr10,
                at.attr11, at.attr12, at.attr13, at.attr14, at.attr15, at.attr16, at.attr17, at.attr18, at.attr19, at.attr20, at.attr21,

       as supplier,


But the problem is i cant add it directly over here, so I need to extend sExport.php class and add attr21 through my plugin?

how can i extend sExport.php?

Inside Install use after hook.

Than something like

public function afterCoreExportCreateSql(Enlight_Hook_HookArgs $args){
$sql = $args->getReturn();

//modify $sql



1 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks alot Steinsoftware,

just one more thing that against which event should i register afterCoreExportCreateSql that is:

private function registerEvents()
            ’ afterCoreExportCreateSql ’




use an after hook


1 „Gefällt mir“

wow great! thanks a ton Thumb-Up