How can I add cronjobs in the Shopware 6

Hello All,

I have one plugin requirement to add cronjobs for particular task. so  i have verified the below urls for cronjobs in  shopware 6


**I have installed the sample plugin which mentioned in the above url. but i can’t track whether the cron is running or not. based on my knowedge it is not running

Can you please tell me , what is missing ??/

Please reply as soon as possible **


maybe you could find more information here:

Best regards from Schöppingen

cool Michael Telgmann

@Michael Telgmann schrieb:


maybe you could find more information here:

Best regards from Schöppingen

cool Michael Telgmann

seitdem ihr das Design von den Docs umgestellt habt funktionieren die Hälfte der Links hier nicht mehr :confused:

1 „Gefällt mir“


hier gehts weiter:
Btw: Die Suche funktioniert ganz gut. Einfach nach Teilen aus der URl suchen  Wink Falls wir eine Weiterleitung vergessen haben sollten.

Viele Grüße aus Schöppingen

cool Michael Telgmann


Have you found the solution for this because i have the same problem now.


thank you in advance


@bhavya schrieb:

Hello All,

I have one plugin requirement to add cronjobs for particular task. so  i have verified the below urls for cronjobs in  shopware 6


**I have installed the sample plugin which mentioned in the above url. but i can’t track whether the cron is running or not. based on my knowedge it is not running

Can you please tell me , what is missing ??/

Please reply as soon as possible **