Failure during installation

during installation
after installing the database
after defining the form where shop name and administrator information are asked

i get to a url like http://localhost/sw6/public/admin
with a message:

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

when i go to
i get this

You have to set your document root to the public folder.

now when i hit localhost, i go to localhost/index.php
and get a message

Oops! An Error Occurred

The server returned a „500 Internal Server Error“.

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

There is an .env file where you can find a var with the value „prod“. Change it ton“dev“ and you are in the development mode and you will get a Symfony error note, with a lot of information.

where is this .env file ?

Sorry, I forgot to mention it. It is in the main directory /

i get

i fixed it with re-install but still get other errors

now i am stuck here

You cannot register any domain. You can only register the domain your shop is running at. And do not try to register localhost. It must be a valid top level domain.

But you can skip the registration part if you do not need access to the shopware store.

how can i skip this step ? i tried to put a valid domain but no luck

Disable „Create a new shop domain“ and skip that step. Maybe go one step back and skip there, not sure.

yes, step back and skip, solved it

but still do not get why i need to reserve one domain for the application to work
you said i have to set document root to the public folder so this means one domain for the application

No it does not.

A domain points to a server (ip 4 or 6). The server Apache or nginx redirects the request to the document root.

DNS: domain.tld points to server x.y.z
Server x.y.z.: request for domain.tld points to document root /public

for instance
when localhost is connected with var/www/sw6/public,
i cannot use other applications installed at var/www

Of course, you can.

You should read some how-to articles about apache configuration.

ok, i will try, thank you for the support