Errors while trying to install themes

Sorry, your order could not be proceeded
Free Liberty Responsive Theme Free: Your current shop version is not compatible with this extension. - Error code: BE03
Legendary Theme - Modern & Clean Free: Your current shop version is not compatible with this extension. - Error code: BE03
Free MetroLight Responsive Theme Free: Your current shop version is not compatible with this extension. - Error code: BE03
Flat Responsive Theme Free: Your current shop version is not compatible with this extension. - Error code: BE03
Rome Theme for mpXgastronomy Free: is not compatible with Shopware 5. You can find the compatibility note directly in the article details. - Error code: BE29
Stockholm Theme for mpXgastronomy Free: is not compatible with Shopware 5. You can find the compatibility note directly in the article details. - Error code: BE29
Berlin Theme for mpXgastronomy Free: is not compatible with Shopware 5. You can find the compatibility note directly in the article details. - Error code: BE29

also i get this message
Your current shop version is not compatible with this extension.
is not compatible with Shopware 5. You can find the compatibility note directly in the article details.

You tried to buy/license a Shopware 6 plugin to a registered Shopware 5 domain.

Go to and create a new Shopware 6 shop with a different domain. Then you can buy the plugin.

it took me a while but solved this problem

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