Error in SW6 installation on localhost

While setting up the SW6.4.18.1 on my localhost via the MAMP, I am getting the following error on the step Configuration:
An exception occurred while executing ‚INSERT INTO sales_channel_domain (id, sales_channel_id, language_id, url, currency_id, snippet_set_id, custom_fields, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES (:id, :salesChannelId, :languageId, :url, :currencyId, :snippetSetId, NULL, :createdAt, null)‘ with params [„\x39\x4e\xcb\x3f\x1e\xbe\x42\x29\xab\xc8\x5e\x56\xdc\x81\xcc\x2c“, „\xba\x77\x26\x03\xbf\x7e\x47\x53\xb2\x1a\xe4\x7e\x65\x4b\xa0\x1e“, „\x2f\xbb\x5f\xe2\xe2\x9a\x4d\x70\xaa\x58\x54\xce\x7c\xe3\xe2\x0b“, „http://localhost:8888/Shopware6.4.18.1/public“, „\xb7\xd2\x55\x4b\x0c\xe8\x47\xcd\x82\xf3\xac\x9b\xd1\xc0\xdf\xca“, „\xac\x11\x18\x14\x94\x86\x47\x00\xb9\xb6\xa9\xbf\xa0\xe2\x6d\x50“, „2023-01-28 19:48:49.350“]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‚http://localhost:8888/Shopware6.4.18.1/public‘ for key ‚uniq.sales_channel_domain.url‘

Any clue how I can fix this or what I am doing wrong?

Looks like your database was already in use before. Consider ditching this database and creating a new one. I also found this: magento - SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1922-1' for key 'IDX_STOCK_PRODUCT' - Stack Overflow