Dynamic product groups (update)


Why does Dynamic product groups only update once a day?

Where can I arrange for it to be updated, e.g. for 10 minutes?

Thank you.

Hey @GhostMB,

does the „Last updated“ column actually update daily?
Usually the last updated column should only update when you make changes to the dynamic product group.
In German for example the column says „Änderungsdatum“ direkt translation to something like „Date of change“.
This should only update when a change is made to the dynamic product group.
The products, that are assigned via the rules should get updated live. So you don’t have to set up something to update these.

Kind regards,

Thanks for the reply.

The „Last updated“ column is actually updated when I log into the backend and then nothing for the whole day. I have more than 50 products a day that are assigned to the rules, but it is not updated.

Are there any settings for me to check in case I don’t have a default setting?


there is no check, if your settings are default, but there is a check, if all your Shopware files are default.
For this you can use the extension Tools.

How do you add the products?
You might have to refresh your index in case the products are imported via API for example.

Kind regards,

I didn’t create the website so I don’t know. Where can I refresh the index to see if it will work.

You can either refresh the index via your admin settings > system > caches & indexes > update indexes, or you can use the following command via cli php bin/console dal:refresh:index --use-queue