Decimal Processing

Hi everyone, I have adjusted the backend theme so that I can enter more than 2 decimal places when editing an article.

This also works and is also stored correctly in the database.

Now I have the problem that in the fast editing the value is still rounded, although I have already increased decimal precision in all places to 4 which I have found by searching and toFixed is also on 4.

Does anyone have an idea how I can adapt the fast editing so that the price is not rounded to 2 decimal places? I think the problem lies with Extjs as I leave the field, the price is rounded to 2 decimal places.


you must change it hier :

offcours you can use the filter event hier:


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I started learning processing since a short time ago and I came across a problem; When deviding 199.999 by 200 I want to outcome to be with 2 decimals (so the outcome should be 1 rounded of). Without formatting the outcome is 0.999995.

Code for formatting to String with 2 decimal:

float money = 199.999;
int munten = 200;

String calc1 = nf(money/munten,0,2);

float calc2 = float(calc1);

I started learning processing since a short time ago and I came across a problem; When deviding 199.999 by 200 I want to outcome to be with 2 decimals (so the outcome should be 1 rounded of). Without formatting the outcome is 0.999995.

Code for formatting to String with 2 decimal:

[]( []( money = 199.999;
int munten = 200;

String calc1 = nf(money/munten,0,2);

float calc2 = float(calc1);
1 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks, i was very confused about it.. .