Custom Shopware Module Not Showing in Admin Menu

I am developing a plugin for Shopware, and it should add a custom module under the Catalogues section in the admin menu. However, the module is not appearing in the admin panel.

Here is the relevant part of my code:
import deDE from ‚./snippet/de-DE‘;
import enGB from ‚./snippet/en-GB‘;
Shopware.Component.register(‚webeface-test‘, () => import(‚…/page/webeface-test‘));

Shopware.Module.register(‚webeface-product-wishes‘, {
type: ‚plugin‘,
name: ‚webefaceProductWishes‘,
title: ‚webeface.administration.menuItem‘,
description: ‚webeface.administration.description‘,
color: ‚#ff3d58‘,
icon: ‚default-shopping-paper-bag-product‘,

snippets: {
    'de-DE': deDE,
    'en-GB': enGB

routes: {
    test: {
        component: 'webeface-test',
        path: 'test'

navigation: [{
    label: 'webeface.administration.navItem',
    color: '#ff3d58',
    path: 'webeface.product.wishes.test',
    icon: 'default-shopping-paper-bag-product',
    parent: 'sw-catalogue',
    position: 100


What I’ve Checked:

  1. Routes: The routes are correctly set and reachable. I’ve confirmed that there are no typos in the routes or paths, and the component (webeface-test) is correctly registered.
  2. Snippets: The snippet files (de-DE and en-GB) are configured properly, and the labels webeface.administration.menuItem and webeface.administration.navItem are defined in the snippet files.
  3. Cache Clearing: I’ve run ./bin/console cache:clear and ./bin/console cache:warmup multiple times. I’ve also cleared the browser cache and tested in incognito mode.
  4. Permissions: The admin user I’m testing with has full permissions, so this shouldn’t be a permission issue.