Creating a custom theme based on the Bare theme

Hi, I’m trying to create my own theme with the Bare theme as a base, but I wan’t some of the plugin features from the Responsive theme. For example the plugin-base / emotion / shopware-responsive. I also use some community plugins (advanced menu) which requires jQuery to work. I already found out I have to load jQuery before the theme.php javascript array for the community plugins to work, otherwise jQuery is initiated to late. But now I get the following error while i’m on the homepage with Storytelling: Uncaught TypeError: element[pluginName] is not a function - jquery.state-manager.js This is my footer code in the index.tpl: <script type="text/javascript" src="/themes/Frontend/Playground/frontend/_public/vendors/js/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/themes/Frontend/Playground/frontend/_public/src/js/jquery.state-manager.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/themes/Frontend/Playground/frontend/_public/src/js/jquery.plugin-base.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/themes/Frontend/Playground/frontend/_public/src/js/"></script>{\* Include jQuery and all other javascript files at the bottom of the page \*} {block name="frontend\_index\_header\_javascript\_jquery\_lib"} {compileJavascript timestamp={themeTimestamp} output="javascriptFiles"} {foreach $javascriptFiles as $file} <script src="%7B%24file%7D"></script> {/foreach} {/block} Does anyone else have experience with setting up a custom theme based on the Bare theme and Storytelling?

Bumping threat, hoping someone can help me. :cry:

Are you sure the files are loaded especially jquery? by the way: Here are the jQuery Files which are compiled from the responsive theme: … p#L50-L107 Maybe it is because you have the wrong order - from the responsive theme the order of the files is: 'src/js/', 'src/js/jquery.plugin-base.js', 'src/js/jquery.state-manager.js', 'src/js/', So plugin-base first and then the state manager.

Hi Kayyy, Thanks for your reply. I had it in that order first, and then I tried this but both had the same results. I also tried it the way the Responsive theme does using the Theme.php Javascript Array, but then when I use plugins like „Advanced Menu“ the plugin script is loaded before the Theme.php scripts. (someone on the IRC chat told me that). Any other suggestions, or is it simply impossible to create your own there based on bare with the use of responsive plugins and Shopware plugins?

didn`t tried it yet with the bare theme, do you have an url of your test theme so we can take a look at this?

I’m afraid not, currently I’m developing locally with Wamp Server.

[quote=“sanders”]I’m afraid not, currently I’m developing locally with Wamp Server.[/quote] Any Results yet?

No for the time being I stopped developing my own theme based on the Bare files. Sadly I didn’t get any feedback on a possible workaround.