Condition not working when elasticsearch is enabled

Hi folks,


Custom condition is working perfectly when es is disabled, but when I enable it, i got an error:

Restrictions\Bundle\ConditionHandler\RestrictionCondition class not supported in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/vproject/engine/Shopware/Bundle/SearchBundleES/ProductNumberSearch.php on line 174

In that case, do I need to create new class by its es condition interface, or what?


yes, each condition must be handled by a DBAL condition handler, which is used for the default MySQL implementation. If you want to support ElasticSearch you also need an additional condition handler for ES. 

Best regards from Schöppingen

cool Michael Telgmann

Is there any tutorial for condition handler when elastic search is enabled?

I found one tutorial but its about SearchBundleDBAL


maybe this article could help you Elasticsearch development

Best regards from Schöppingen

cool Michael Telgmann