Cant find twig file


Some namespace in TWIG is not accessible from everywhere


{% include "@Storefront/components/atoms/icon/icon.twig" %}

Does not find icon.twig, but 

{% sw_include "@Storefront/components/atoms/icon/icon.twig" %}

It does finds it.


I understand that TWIG does not allow multi inheritance out of the box and that we should use sw_include.

But this brings the next problem

{{ block("logo", "@Storefront/components/atoms/icon/icon.twig") }}

The Storefront name is not included then icon.twig is not found

Could Storefront call universally?

Thanks in advance!


I think, that we currently do not support the block() function of Twig, because of the reasons your already said. I created at ticket for that Shopware Issuetracker
Maybe we could fix that

Best regards from Schöppingen

cool Michael Telgmann