Bin/console theme:compile error

I have error when running bin/console theme:compile
message: „User Deprecated: Since shopware/core : Class Shopware\Storefront\Event\ThemeCompilerEnrichScssVariablesEvent is deprecated. Use Shopware\Storefront\Theme\Event\ThemeCompilerEnrichScssVariablesEvent instead.“

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Same here since the new update. But it doesn’t seem to have negative effects. It still compiles my files as usual…

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These are Deprecated warnings, no errors.

Guess Shopware will/need to change the code in the referred files.

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AlexBS, Max_Shop
Thank you, I was unable to pick my theme inside admin panel, and I thouht that this was because of compiling problems. Now I reinstall and rebuild shopware. Console is the same but now I`m able to pick my theme)