Ich habe gestern noch folgende Fehlermeldungen weitergeleitet bekommen:
Message: An exception occurred while executing ‚SELECT MIN(d.instock>=b.quantity) as instock, MIN(d.instock>=(b.quantity+d.stockmin)) as stockmin, MIN(a.laststock) as laststock, SUM(d.weightb.quantity) as weight, SUM(IF(a.id,b.quantity,0)) as count_article, MAX(b.shippingfree) as shippingfree, SUM(IF(b.modus=0,b.quantityCAST(b.price as DECIMAL(10,2))/b.currencyFactor,0)) as amount, SUM(IF(b.modus=0,b.quantity*ROUND(CAST(b.price as DECIMAL(10,2))/(100+t.tax)*100,2)/b.currencyFactor,0)) as amount_net, SUM(CAST(b.price as DECIMAL(10,2))*b.quantity) as amount_display, MAX(d.length) as length
, MAX(d.height) as height, MAX(d.width) as width, u.id as userID, MAX(a.topseller) as has_topseller, MAX(at.attr3) as has_comment, MAX(b.esdarticle) as has_esd, FROM s_order_basket b LEFT JOIN s_articles a ON b.articleID = a.id AND b.modus = 0 AND b.esdarticle = 0 LEFT JOIN s_user u ON u.id = ? AND u.active = 1 LEFT JOIN s_articles_details d ON (d.ordernumber = b.ordernumber) AND d.articleID = a.id LEFT JOIN s_core_tax t ON t.id = a.taxID LEFT JOIN s_articles_attributes at ON at.articledetailsID = d.id LEFT JOIN s_user_addresses ub ON ub.user_id = u.id AND ub.id = ? LEFT JOIN s_user_addresses us ON us.user_id = u.id AND us.id = ? WHERE b.sessionID = ? GROUP BY b.sessionID‘ with params (null, 0, 0, „8a9ea497a6d63d9d76bed5511e0b859e“):
SQLSTATE(42000): Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‚FROM s_order_basket b LEFT JOIN s_articles a ON b.articleID = a.id AND b.modu…‘ at line 1
Time: 2021-07-10T21:05:31.072734+0200
Channel: core
request: {
„uri“: „/checkout/ajaxAddArticleCart“,
„method“: „POST“,
„query“: {
„module“: „frontend“,
„controller“: „checkout“,
„action“: „ajaxAddArticleCart“
„post“: {
„sActionIdentifier“: „“,
„sAddAccessories“: „“,
„sAdd“: „10W4116“,
„sQuantity“: „1“,
„__csrf_token“: „BdUERUgXioSrJRr7AZiCtRcu2IGgVy“,
„isXHR“: „1“
session: No session data available
shopId: 1
shopName: ShopName
Interpretiere ich das richtig, dass etwas mit der Session nicht mehr stimmt?
Und diese Meldung kam ebenfalls:
Message: Category not found
Time: 2021-07-11T03:30:51.645942+0200
Channel: core
request: {
„uri“: „/sonstiges-zubehoer/PFad/“,
„method“: „GET“,
„query“: {
„module“: „frontend“,
„controller“: „cat“,
„action“: „index“,
„sCategory“: „117“,
„rewriteUrl“: „1“
session: No session data available
shopId: 1
shopName: ShopName
Danke für eure Hilfe