How to hide grid action button from "sw-entity-listing" listing in shopware 6?

@Shyim schrieb:

You could extend the base component and empty the blocks for those actions

Thank you for your replay

I have found the following lines of code in /var/www/html/shopware6/development/platform/src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/src/app/component/data-grid/sw-data-grid.html.twig

{% block sw_data_grid_body_cell_actions %}

        {% block sw_data_grid_slot_actions %}{% endblock %}

{% endblock %}


I have tried the following

{% block sw_data_grid_body_cell_actions %}
{% endblock %}

Not working(Showing Edit, Delete options)


Edit, Delete options hide but still showing the button

Not working(Showing Edit, Delete options)

Not working(Showing Edit, Delete options)

How to hide the button and the edit, delete options from admin side listing?