Local development regarding gulp-less, browser-sync etc.

Hi Shyim,

Thank you so much for your quick response!
I would like to proxy our local domain and stream/inject the css changes instead of reloading the browser on every change. This line (line 45), for example, in your gulpfile.js, seems to always overwrite the lessTarget defined in config_1.json:


We reference that in a similar way, and it does inject changes too, but it seems, some css is breaking (for example, icons compiled together with the responsive theme, font-face etc.) which do not reappear unless we reload the page. I am guessing that, these reappear, because of the inbuilt LESS compiler which basically again looks for our all.less file and merges everything together (base+responsive+our custom theme all.less) in place again. I would like to be able to compile also in the same way, but it seems like in the config_1.json generated, there are not enough (or maybe not the right) entries for the less section. Could you please check if you have a different one?


"less": [