How to animate elements on a banner

Hello, I´m using „Digital Publishing“ to create banners and elements on it (like texts, images atc.). I have animated.css file uploaded on my web and I animated these elements. But the animation is done only once, then is the element animated no more, just one time.

I have now one slider with 3 banners/images (you can switch between them with arrows or dots) and I would like the elements to be animated everytime when a next image comes. I mean that I want these animations to start everytime I switch one image to other. The slider can be found here (


Thanks for any advice.

Sounds like you’ll have to implement an event that’s always triggered when you move around the images. Probably write a jquery function that’s triggered each time 'n starts this kind of animation somehow… Not a jquery expert so you’ll need to check if there’s such a thing though…