Common cart for all subshops?

Hi, any ideas if it is possible to change Shopware behaviour to use one cart session for all subshops?  

Is there any plugin for this or do you have any ideas how to force Shopware to use the same session for all subshops ? 

The reason is that subshops should have different look depends on brand… but you should have possibility to make one shopping  together  in all subshops. 
Becasue of some reasons … we can’t use categories. 



Emm, not sure is it right.

You create different categories for different shop because one shop should support some articles, which shouldn’t support another one.

In general I think it’s possible, you need redeclarate sessionId to existed one.

Check tables s_core_sessions and s_order_basket.

So it can work like:

Customer put login/pass. You check last is auth valid, if yes - set last sessionId from s_core_sessions as Shopware()-\>Session()-\>sessionId and extend session lifetime in s_core_sessions.

Session id you can see in cookies:

Where 7 - subshopId.


I don’t know if plugin exist, but I don’t think so, because there can be issues like customer binded to shop, article doesn’t exist for subshop e.t.c.