Extermely Slow and Backend Error after clean install


I installed a Shopware 5.3 and 5.2.27 Community on a CentOS 7.3, PHP 5.6.31, Oracle MySQL Community Edition. 

The System has 16GB Memory and 4VPCUs and runs on SSDs. Selinux is disabled, Firewall disabled (internal staging system).
PHP Settings optimal (installer all checks green). PHP Max memory raised to 128MB, Max execution time is 120sec.

First, the Shop is extremely slow. Only to view the default site (after installation) takes more than 10 sec. 

When I log in to the backend I get the folling error. I tried it with Shopware 5.3 and 5.2.27, same behavior and result. Has anyone an Idea?

Yes, make memory to 1GB and max execution time to 360

then check all system requirements and performance settings in shopware etc. etc.

and check all required php options.


Also check your website’s error log and the Shopware logs for errors.

Timme Hosting - schnelles nginx-Hosting
