Where are breakpoints defined?

I want to have much larger image on the product detail page.

So, I have changed the columns on the template „cms-block-gallery-buybox.html.twig“ from col-lg-6 / col-lg-6 to col-lg-9 / col-lg-3. And in Shopping Experiences changed „minimum height“ to 800px.

So far, so good :slightly_smiling_face:

But, the image does not change size (of cource :upside_down_face: it can not be that easy). Checking with the Web inspector I can see that the image is still at 454x454 pixel. And (part of) the source code is:
... sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 454px ... "

So, the 400x400 image is selected (I think). What (and where) do I need to change, to have the 800x800 image selected for the breakpoint at 1200?

The closest file I have found is „thumbnail.html.twig“ with this code block:

{% set breakpoint = {
     xs: theme_config('breakpoint.xs'),
     sm: theme_config('breakpoint.sm'),
     md: theme_config('breakpoint.md'),
     lg: theme_config('breakpoint.lg'),
     xl: theme_config('breakpoint.xl')
 } %}

But where are these breakpoints defined? I have looked into the default theme.json but nothing about breakpoints…

/ Magnus

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