The footer pages cannot be accessed?


I am currently trying to create a footer page in Shopware 6 but to no avail.
I tested it in the current Git version krogerfeedback talktosonic talktowendys whataburger survey with the web servers Apache2 and Nginx under Linux without Docker.

I carried out the following steps in the backend:

Catalog -> categories -> new category then „footer“
new sub-category -> new sub-category -> „middle, right“
all categories „active“
content -> adventure worlds -> shop pages -> create new layout -> shop page -> full width > „footerLayout“ -> insert text -> save
catalogs -> categories -> footer -> middle -> new subcategory -> AGB, Imp -> active -> save -> layout assignment -> footerLayout -> accept layout -> edit content -> „Hello World“ -> save
storefront -> entry point footer navigation -> footer -> save
console: php bin / console dal: refresh: index
other browser: footer -> middle ->General terms and conditions „Unfortunately, the start page of the shop appears“

What can be the reason?

