Sitemap content

According to the documentation sitemap is created

However the sitemap contains only one entry :

is it not supposed to list the product pages ??
If yes how to fix it ?

If you follow that one entry you will figure out that it is another sitemap with all the pages listed.

Thx for the info.

So how to make Bing / Google / etc. successfully read the information ??

In it says „couldn’t fetch“

(I created a sitemap manually - for testing purposes - calling it sitemap-manual.xml - this works fine with google and bing)

I cannot confirm that Google Search Console has problems with Shopware’s sitemap. It works fine for all „my“ properties.

You can use the link within the sitemap an register that sitemap an Google Search Console. But be aware that the sitemaps are splittet, if there are too many pages in your Shopware installation.