Sidebar filter using properties

Hello everybody,

i have couple of properties defined, such as color, size etc., so i would like to create filters in sidebar based on each of these properties. Here’s an example:Imgur: The magic of the Internet.

So, this filter looks same like any other filter, created from free text fields, but it uses “Farbe” property instead. Can anybody give me a hint how to achieve this?


Thank you


Anybody with some suggestion?

Gee, this is a standard feature since 5.3, you need to consult the according online system documentation (activate property group “Farbe” for filtering, activate the filters/facet in the desired categories etc.) No point in repeating the docs and guides here.

Happy selling,


@vanwittlaer schrieb:

Gee, this is a standard feature since 5.3, you need to consult the according online system documentation (activate property group „Farbe“ for filtering, activate the filters/facet in the desired categories etc.) No point in repeating the docs and guides here.

Happy selling,


Hello @vanwittlaer,

well i read the part of documentation regarding properties, it’s on this url:\_detail\_1177.html, but there’s nothing about this there.

Which part of the documentation are you referring to? I would be glad to read it.


I accidently marked your reply as answer, but actually it didn’t answer completely to what i need. So, if you can, please refer me to the documentation part, which explains the things you are talking about.

Thank you.

You are right I also don’t see a single document that would explain what you want to do step by step - you’d need to pick it up from various chapters.

Basically, you will have to

  1. Make the property group filterable in the properties definition screen
  2. In configuration/basic settings/frontend/filter you will have to include properties as a filter
  3. In the category setup on the filter tab make sure the property filter is active

I trust you’ll find documentation on each of these 3 points - but it should be  straightforward anyhow.

Hope this is the answer you are looking for.

Happy selling,


1 „Gefällt mir“

Hi Geert,

yeah and that’s not the only problem. Even these chapters are, sort of, are written just to be there, with not much details. Shopware is not such a small system, so their documentation should definitely be more detailed, with examples, and regularly updated. Even the developers documentation is way too small and confusing.

Besides that, support is quite hard to reach. Community is also quite strange. I’ve started working with Shopware about 3 weeks ago and had couple of questions to clear out, i think that your reply is the first one in which i see that someone sat down and tried to answer properly. That’s very bad, by my opinion.

On to the properties issue:

  1. I already made the group filterable

  2. I already marked Properties active for all categories: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

  3. By Shopware doc, if you activate filter for all categories, you don’t have to additionally mark it active in specific category, but i did that, just in case: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

And, you will guess, properties are  not coming up as filter on frontend. Only free text fields are.

Any other idea what could be wrong here?


Thank you

As we say in German ‘aller Anfang ist schwer’ - don’t let yourself be discouraged!

I can only confirm this feature does work, you may wan’t to check it out e.g. at DUESSEL-STAPLER - all brands, independent dealer

Whether or not the facets/filters are actually being shown in the category listing sidebar also depends on the data. You will only these when they have a relevance for filtering. Perhaps this is the issue? If you are really new to Shopware, you may want to start playing around with the demo data that can be generated using the Shopware provided plugin.

Good luck,


PS. And don’t forget, no one who is active in this forum is being paid for this.

1 „Gefällt mir“

For sure it works, we can also see these filters on the demo site of the theme our client bought, but for some reason it doesn’t come up when we try to set it up. Could be that data is dicating this, we have to check that too.

Yeah, i know that people are not paid for this, but i am coming from WP community. I am working in WP for past 10 years and people there are much more willing to spend a bit of time to explain something. I know, because i did that too. :slight_smile: In Magento is closer to here, but still better. This of course, also depends on the community size.

Anyway, thanks for the time, we will continue further to tweak this.


Best regards

@vanwittlaer schrieb:

As we say in German ‚aller Anfang ist schwer‘ - don’t let yourself be discouraged!

I can only confirm this feature does work, you may wan’t to check it out e.g. at

Whether or not the facets/filters are actually being shown in the category listing sidebar also depends on the data. You will only these when they have a relevance for filtering. Perhaps this is the issue? If you are really new to Shopware, you may want to start playing around with the demo data that can be generated using the Shopware provided plugin.

Good luck,


PS. And don’t forget, no one who is active in this forum is being paid for this.

I just want to add that you were right, regarding the filter not showing up. If none of the products have value for that property, the filter will not come up, but also just to mention that it’s enough to just mark the property group as „Filterable“. The other steps of creating filter in main settings and marking it inside category is not needed. 

Thanks again for your help.

Thanks for this positive feedback, alway happy to help and don’t forget to klick the „Bedanken“ button underneath! Thumb-Up

Happy selling,


1 „Gefällt mir“