Shopware with Plentymarkets 7


Please help me with shopware and plentymarkets integration. I working on plentymarkets 7 I need to use shopware themes and design. Please take me through the procedures involved in getting this done. Will shopware work with my second client (store) in plentymarkets?

Thank you. I’m looking forward to your reply.



There you have to ask plentymarkets, not shopware users.


there´s no way to have the excellent shopware design / template using the plentymarkets shop frontend. plentymarkets shop frontend is ugly and sucks. to get best results you may want to just sync your article data and use shopware as your frontend.

Thank you for your replies guys, much appreciated.

I’m done with my integration  using Plentymarkets-shopware connector to sync my articles, categories, manufacturers etc… But now I have a problem with article images are not displaying in my frontend also with variant images. I’m using ThemeWare Living theme.

Please help me on how should I resolve this issue.

