Shopware Community and Paid versions difference

Hi Guys, how are you?

Can someone please explain me the difference between the community version and a paid one?
Is there only difference in availability for Support and Services from shopware?

When I go to Pricing - There I can see differences between paid versions. Am I right that community version is like not full and you need to have a monthly subscription Raise/Evolve/Beyond to get more functionality? Or can I add such functionality as Advanced Search myself?
Am I right that Community version doesn’t have a Form Builder and even a Raise paid plan doesn’t have it?

Or can I do everything with just a Community Version?

Can someone please clarify it for me?

Thanks very much to that awesome person who will help to understand it!

Best Regards!

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Thank you very much for your answer, really appreciate it!

So, am I right the community version is like not full one?

No, it’s not. The differences are listed as Features.

The Core is the same. The features a additional plugins.

Thank you very much for your answer!

So, the community version has only the core and some features, while Paid plans have more features and are like extended versions, right?
But actually it’s real to develop those features yourself, am I right?

Best regards!

Hey Maksimka,

Shopware Community Edition basically has no artificial limitations like in a manner of number of orders or so. It is under MIT open source license and can be extended by plugins or apps you find in the connected store or anything „in the wild“, for example on GitHub. You can also develop own plugins to extend the functionality - we’ll be glad if you share them.
When setting Shopware CE up, you’ll see that there is already a good feature-set to start with. Please go ahead and check it out. Looking forward to see your questions, maybe answers and pull requests later - and your finished project :slight_smile:

Heey Marco,

Thank you very much for the answer! Just trying to absolutely understand it, you know :slight_smile:

So basically Paid plans are like extended with features versions + support and Shopware team services, right?

I think I finally got it, thank you very much!

Best Regards!

Exactly. Not to forget: this income insures the further development :wink:

Absolutely perfect, thank you veeery much, Marco and Max for such a quick help!

My Best Regards to you, guys!

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