Shopware 6 OneToMany relation

I am going to define a OneToMany relation in the Shopware 6 .in my case i am going to have an article linked with many tags. I understand that those situations can be too complex in the Shopware and depends on many things. and it is hard to help. But if introduce to me a tutorial or code example, it will help me

My ArticleEntity

class ArticleEntity extends Entity

     * @var TagEntity|null
    protected $tag;
    protected $tagId;

    public function getTagId() : ?array { return $this->tagId; }
    public function setTagId(array $value): void { $this->tagId = $value; }

    public function getTag(): ?TagEntity { return $this->tag;}
    public function setTag(TagEntity $value): void { $this->tag = $value; }


class ArticleDefinition extends EntityDefinition
 protected function defineFields(): ArticleCollection
    new OneToManyAssociationField('tag', TagDefinition::class, 'id'),




after submit i get this error

{"0":{"code":"FRAMEWORK__WRITE_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION","status":"400","detail":"This value should be of type string.","template":"This value should be of type string.","meta":{"parameters":[]},"source":{"pointer":"/0/tagId"}}}

What is my wrong .I tried to found a solution but can’t found anything .I tried to found to some codes example close to my situation but i don’t succeed.