Revamped Roadmap for Shopware6 on our website

Hey folks,

our feature roadmap on Overview of current developments at Shopware was completely revamped. When clicking on it, you can now see with which version and edition a feature was built in, what is the progress of the feature development if it is still in progress and what is next on the plans. There are more features planned on this site and will be updated step by step.
Please let us know what you think of it, do you like the site itself (not the content)?

Thanks for your feedback!

2 „Gefällt mir“

Unfortunately there is still no roadmap for developers on which they can see what code changes will be necessary for the next shopware version.

Guess it is better to post in the German section since you will get more feedback there.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Ugh, here was still something I wanted to reply to :slight_smile:

Fortunately, we’ve to a useful and interactive feature roadmap now! ^^
And yes, even for my taste, there are still some things missing like a dev roadmap. This I wanted to adumbrate when saying that there are more features planned and the site will be updated step by step. Will let you know about it :wink:

Maybe. And on the other hand we would have segregated non German speakers :wink: