REST API path to image located on server



I am trying to attach an image located on shopware website server to article.

I send link like this: {“link”: “file:///var/www/shopware/media/image/brot.jpg”}.

But server says: “Error message: Could not open file:///var/www/shopware/media/image/brot.jpg for reading”.

I have access to FTP and media/image folder is located under httpdocs.

I have already tried different variants but without sucess (for instance, “file:///media/image/brot.jpg”, “file:///httpdocs/media/image/brot.jpg”)


I think the problem is in path itself. Could you please help me with this?



I use the URL from Webserver like

 {"link": "https://some_url/media/image/brot.jpg"}




Thank you very much!