Hello Guys,
I am trying to replace the function “Shopware\Controllers\Backend\Article::prepareVariantData” through plugin however I am even not started my journey. I created a plugin and under “Subscriber” of my plugin I create a file in which
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
‘Shopware\Controllers\Backend\Article::prepareVariantData::replace’ => ‘replacedPrepareVariantData’
public function replacedPrepareVariantData(\Enlight_Hook_HookArgs $args)
$controller = $args->getSubject();
$view = $controller->View();
$request = $controller->Request();
\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($request, 2, true, false);
$variant = $request->getParam(‘variant’);
$detailData = $request->getParam(‘detailData’);
$counter = $request->getParam(‘counter’);
$dependencies = $request->ggetParamet(‘dependencies’);
$priceVariations = $request->getParamet(‘priceVariations’);
$allOptions = $request->getParam(‘allOptions’);
$originals = $request->getParam(‘originals’);
$article = $request->getParam(‘article’);
$mergeType = $request->getParam(‘mergeType’);
$optionsModels = ;
$tax = $article->getTax();
$optionIds = ;
//iterate the original ids to get the new variant name
foreach ($originals as $id) {
$optionId = $variant[‘o’ . $id . ‘Id’];
//first we push the option ids in an one dimensional array to check
$optionIds = $optionId;
$optionsModels = $allOptions[$optionId];
$abortVariant = false;
foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
if (in_array($dependency[‘parentId’], $optionIds) && in_array($dependency[‘childId’], $optionIds)) {
$abortVariant = true;
//if the user selects the “merge variants” generation type, we have to check if the current variant already exist.
if ($mergeType === 2 && $abortVariant === false) {
$query = $this->getRepository()->getDetailsForOptionIdsQuery($article->getId(), $optionsModels);
$exist = $query->getArrayResult();
$abortVariant = !empty($exist);
if ($abortVariant) {
return false;
//create the new variant data
$variantData = [
‘active’ => 1,
‘configuratorOptions’ => $optionsModels,
‘purchasePrice’ => $detailData[‘purchasePrice’],
‘lastStock’ => $detailData[‘lastStock’],
if ($mergeType == 1 && $counter == 0) {
$variantData[‘number’] = $detailData[‘number’];
} else {
do {
$variantData[‘kind’] = 2;
$variantData[‘number’] = $detailData[‘number’] . ‘.’ . $counter;
} while ($this->orderNumberExist($variantData[‘number’]));
$prices = $this->prepareVariantPrice($detailData, $priceVariations, $optionIds, $tax);
if ($prices) {
$variantData[‘prices’] = $prices;
return $variantData;
I have to alter the function but I am not confirmed weather it is working or not because It is not throughing dump also in proxy class it is not creating the hook entry. Please help.