[PLUGIN][EVENTS][Theme_Compiler_Collect_Plugin_Less|Theme_Compiler_Collect_Plugin_Javascript] Wie?

Uhh sorry, vor lauter tippen & zippen hab ich doch glatt meine Antwort vergessen… ^^

@Moritz Naczenski schrieb:

Das ist hier im Startup-Guide aber auch alles beschrieben: https://developers.shopware.com/developers-guide/plugin-quick-start/#extending-the-template

Ich pick mir davon mal das meines Erachtens wesentlichste heraus:

Frontend resources auto-registrationAnchor link for: frontend resources auto registration

Additions to CSS, LESS and JavaScript resources had to be registered via Theme_Compiler_Collect_Plugin_* events. Since Shopware 5.2.13 the registration will be done automatically. Just place the resources into the following directories:

  • custom/plugins/SwagResource/Resources/frontend/css/**.css
  • custom/plugins/SwagResource/Resources/frontend/js/**.js
  • custom/plugins/SwagResource/Resources/frontend/less/all.less

The css and js directories may contain arbitrary sub directories. @imports in all.less will be resolved.

├── Resources
│ └── frontend
│ ├── css
│ │ ├── *
│ │ │ └── *.css
│ │ └── *.css
│ ├── js
│ │ ├── *
│ │ │ └── *.js
│ │ └── *.js
│ └── less
│ └── all.less
└── SwagResource.php

Nice one! Genau das hab ich gesucht. Danke!

Lg Flo