Payment - Return URL too long for payment provider


(Same content as in Payment – Return-URL zu lang für Payment-Provider – just branching out to english, hoping for a wider audience…)

I have developed an integration for a payment provider (ESTO) that would probably work… However, the returnUrl from Shopware is too long for their system and the JWT is shortened and thus invalid.

Is there a „nice“ way to shorten the returnUrl? Or do I have to build something myself to get around this limitation by using more code and (potentially) less security?

Kind regards,

Hello, Karsten.

Did you got it working? Im going for Shopware myself with our webshop and we have used ESTO payments only. As there is no official integration now Im looking if we still can use ESTO or have to choose another payment provider.


No, I did not follow that path further (yet). The official answer from the ESTO support was that they can / will not change their system to allow longer URLs. But so far I did not dive into a solution on my end.

Probably not too hard (saving the needed data in the DB with a SHA1 or UUID and pass that to ESTO as part of a shorter return URL), but had more important things on my list. :person_shrugging:

Kind regards,

Sorry I stumbled upon this issue just recently. Happy New Year to you guys, anyway :wink:

I don’t think it is just a dev related topic only. IMO, the vendors (means ESTO and Shopware) have to talk to each other, whether they want to work together or not and if, under which conditions, including short or longer URLs. Apparently, size still seems to matter in 2024, does it :wink:

If one of you guys, @kdambekalns or @lauri would have a personal and direct contact at ESTO for me, I’d be more than grateful if you’d forward it to me via PM and promise trying to bring things ahead!


Just for additional input: The URL length is (depending on the contained data) about to hit 2k chars. This does indeed begin to matter for bigger payment providers like Amazon Pay as well.

I’d strongly suggest reconsidering this design, especially since there is not even a code comment:

This way it will be a matter of time until one change by a developer will break payments on a huge scale.


So you say it is rather a bug? You know how to enter it into the issue tracker? Otherwise, if you know the solution, please feel free to send a pull request. Cheers!

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Hi @marco.steinhaeuser,

I only have contact to the support at ESTO, no direct connection to the technical people, sadly.

But indeed, backing what @marcus.kreusch is saying: It would be awesome if Shopware would shorten the URL on it’s own, to avoid such issues. Was an issue or PR created, @marcus.kreusch?